Čištění kanalizace

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2749224008. 07. 2024AXUS CZ s.r.o.129 494,20107 020,00129 494,20107 020,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailSEBAK spol. s r.o.Brno193 454,80159 880,00CZKNo
DetailTvS - centrum Praha , s.r.o.Únětice385 022,00318 200,00CZKNo
DetailHERČÍK a KŘÍŽ, spol. s r.o.Praha240 487,50198 750,00CZKNo
DetailZEPRIS s.r.o.Praha 316 935,30261 930,00CZKNo
DetailAXUS CZ s.r.o.Opava129 494,20107 020,00CZKYes
DetailSTOCK čistící služby s.r.o.Praha162 593,75134 375,00CZKNo
DetailGUTRA s.r.o.Most466 031,50385 150,00CZKNo